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Panjeeri Made With Desi Ghee

Panjeeri Made With Desi Ghee

Regular price Rs.1,900.00 PKR
Regular price Sale price Rs.1,900.00 PKR
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Panjeeri Made With Desi Ghee
Panjeeri is a traditional and nutrient-rich sweet dish that originates from the Indian subcontinent, particularly popular in North India and Pakistan. It is not just a delectable treat but also holds cultural and nutritional significance, often prepared during special occasions, post-pregnancy, or as an energy-boosting snack.
The primary ingredients of panjeeri include whole wheat flour, ghee (clarified butter), sugar or jaggery, and a variety of nuts and seeds such as almonds, cashews, melon seeds, and poppy seeds. The preparation involves roasting the wheat flour in ghee until it achieves a golden brown color, creating a distinctive nutty aroma. The mixture is then sweetened with sugar or jaggery and enriched with a generous amount of nuts and seeds.
Panjeeri is renowned for its high nutritional content, providing a concentrated source of energy, proteins, and essential fats. It is often recommended for new mothers to aid in post-pregnancy recovery and boost lactation.
Beyond its nutritional benefits, panjeeri is a beloved sweet enjoyed by people of all ages. Its hearty and wholesome nature makes it a perfect winter treat, offering warmth and comfort. Whether shaped into laddoos (round balls) or served as a crumbly mixture, panjeeri continues to be a cherished part of the cultural and culinary heritage of the region.
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